We are pausing for time being to accept New Patients for TCM and Acupuncture to our Practice. Please email us if you would like to be put on a wait list.

A new Functional Medicine Patient must choose “Initial Functional Medicine and Chinese Medicine Consultations”. We encourage to book a virtual session for this service.

Please do not book 60 minutes of Functional Medicine if this is your FIRST VISIT as we go over detailed medical history and in 60 min there is not enough time. we need 90 min for a full benefit of such visit. I appreciate your cooperation.

If you received a confirmation for an appointment you have booked and later on cancelled, please contact us immediately via text or email 250-886-8863 or drhegillman@gmail.com otherwise you might be required to coved your booked on line, by yourself appointment. It is important you get confirmation of cancelation, confirmation of rebooking otherwise you might have not completed this process on line and you are fully responsible for your booking.

Thank you for embarking on a healing journey.


Japanese Acupuncture is based in the same ancient science and philosophy as Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. However, this method uses thinner needles and a more superficial and gentle insertion method than modern Chinese Acupuncture. The needles are shallowly inserted in areas where the circulation of energy and blood needs to be improved. In a modern medicine perspective: Acupuncture promo... Read More

Japanese Acupuncture is based in the same ancient science and philosophy as Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. However, this method uses thinner needles and a more superficial and gentle insertion method than modern Chinese Acupuncture. The needles are shallowly inserted in areas where the circulation of energy and blood needs to be improved.

In a modern medicine perspective: Acupuncture promotes a Biochemical Defence Mechanism, meaning the insertion of the needle is considered by the body to be a stimulus site, affecting a chemical release needed for cellular and tissue repair as well as an electromagnetic response that allows a neurologic reaction to take place. The result of the effects of acupuncture on the body is a phenomenon that can be seen on an MRI and in PET scans.

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual. The Functional Medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed unders... Read More

Functional Medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual.

The Functional Medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes.

By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, practitioners become oriented to identifying the complexity of disease. They may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. As a result, Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.

Shonishin (Paediatric Acupuncture)

Japanese Shonishin Acupuncture, a non-puncturing technique developed in Japan for babies to children up to 16 years of age. It is a pleasant and effective and fun treatment design for many Children's issues from Asthma to stunted growth, ADHA, insomnia, allergies etc.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Specialized acupuncture treatment designed to promote health and natural facial rejuvenation.

Sotai & Medical Qi Gong

Guided therapeutic movement techniques thought privately or in a group setting.

Dr. Katrine Hegillman, Dr. TCM, B.Sc.

Dr. Katrine B. Hegillman is a Registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Oriri Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Centre where she strives to benefit and support the community by delivering services of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. “In the Chinese Medicine Philosophy we do not focus on eradicating a disease – we support the body and strengthen it, so it combats the disease through its own ability to heal. We are encouraging the body to heal its ailments through the gentle support and guidance of Japanese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine.”

Dr. Hegillman’s journey to becoming a Registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine began in 1991 when, after 1.5 years of Agricultural Engineering she transferred her focus to Nutrition. During which, she became inspired by “outside of the box” Professor Gorny who was teaching Ecological Methods of Food Production and introducing to his students the studies of Rudolf Steiner, the theory of Yin and Yang, Plant Neighbourhood knowledge, and so many more interesting teachings. She studied Nutritional Science at the Agriculture University of Warsaw for 3 years until 1995.

From 1995 Dr. Hegillman studied Traditional Chinese Medicine at ICTCM in Vancouver, B.C. Upon graduating from Chinese Medicine College in 1999, she underwent a practicum in Anhui Hospital of Acupuncture in Hefei, China. After her studies and experience in China, in 1999, she started her TCM practice and served patients in Kitsilano Vancouver, BC, for 10 years. In 2005 Dr. Hegillman took a seminar in San Francisco, and began to study Japanese Acupuncture by Master Ikeda Masakazu. In 2009, she moved to Morocco, Marrakesh where she had an official practice and served the expatriate community, as well as Moroccan patients, for 3 years. During this time she was training in the Neurological Integration System, a method developed by Dr. Allan Phillips D.O.(2005-2009), and Psych-K, a method developed by Robert Williams and Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph.D. (2003-2008). Kiiko Matsumoto Sensei’s style of Acupuncture, has been part of the techniques she uses since the 2010 seminars in London UK. Later, Dr. Hegillman studied in Portland Oregon, USA with Kiiko Matsumoto Sensei and Monika Kobylecka L.Ac. Finally in 2012, Dr. Katrine Hegillman moved to settle here in Victoria B.C. and open her licensed practice Oriri Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Centre treating children and adults, and in 2015 she completed her Advanced KMS (Kiiko Matsumoto Style) Japanese Acupuncture Training.

Dr. Hegillman’s passion for knowledge and for helping the community never ceases, she spends her free time in learning seminars honing her skills in many fields, teaching Qi Gong and Sotai Hō to improve health and wellness, singing in a modern polish folk band, volunteering at schools, centres and retirement homes giving free talks on Japanese Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, and most importantly spending time with her family, may it be learning violin with her two children, ballet with her daughter, playing tennis with her husband or hiking whenever they can.

Dr. Katrine Hegillman, Dr. TCM, B.Sc. Dr. Katrine B. Hegillman is a Registered Doctor of Traditi... Read More

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